Go Beyond Recycling: 3 Easy Tips to Start Your Way to a Greener Home

How does your home look like? Is it bursting with colors? Do you have minimal furniture? Or do you have eye-catching decorations?

There is truth in the saying that your home is a reflection of your personality. But regardless of how you want your home to look like, you can always make it greener the easiest way possible. Don’t worry, though! Going green doesn’t mean compromising your aesthetic preferences. This simple guide will repurpose your already lovely home into a more eco-friendly space to live in— and it’s not just about recycling!

Tip #1: Save energy

There are many ways to save energy that would contribute to your greener home. Here are some of the simple things you can start doing to conserve your energy consumption at home.

Choose energy-efficient lights

These lights include compact fluorescent light bulbs which consume just a quarter of the regular incandescent bulbs’ electricity. Apart from consuming less electricity, these fluorescent light bulbs also last longer— 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs. Plus, you can also save more money by not having to replace your lights more often!

Unplug electronic devices when not in use

This should be a habit if you really want to save energy. When your electronic devices are not in use, make it a point to unplug them. These devices such as TVs, computers, and other electronics still consume electricity when still plugged in, regardless if they are being used or not. Unplugging your devices will definitely benefit you in the long run as it will not only lower your electricity cost, but will also reduce the risk of possible accidents at home.

Turn off the lights during the day

What better way to get some light from the sun itself. Why not open your curtains and windows, and welcome the sunlight into your home? Instead of turning your lights on during the day, opt for the natural lighting and let the sunshine in. Not only will it save energy but it will also add up to the lovely homey feel inside your house.

Tip #2: Get the greens

You can never go wrong with the greens itself― plants. Here are some of the uses of plants that will make your home a greener place to live in (literally)!

Use plants as your home decor

Indoor plants have recently been a popular accent especially for minimalist homes as it gives a subtle touch of color, be it on the tabletop or in your living room’s corner. Before buying those pricey paintings or huge chandeliers, you can get creative and find a way to hang your favorite indoor plants instead. You can also place a small plant on your study or work table, or even on the dining table. Apart from being pleasing for the eyes, plants are scientifically proven to reduce stress level, contributes in boosting productivity, and is an effective way to improve the quality of air inside your home.

Plant veggies in your garden

If you have a garden at home, or a space which you can turn into a garden, it is also a good idea to plant edible greens, some vegetables, and fruits that are easy to grow. With your edible garden, you would not have to worry about going out when you need a quick snack. You can always harvest some vegetables and herbs from your garden and make a fresh salad, or pick up some fruits and turn it into a refreshing drink. Having a garden at home can help reduce air pollution and soil erosion. All you have to do to accomplish your goal to go greener is pick organic fertilizers for your plants and use eco-friendly gardening products.

Tip #3: Cut the plastic

The use of plastic is one of the major problems the environment has since been facing. Not only does it contribute to pollution, but it has also greatly affected the wildlife, their habitats, and us, humans. One way to do our part in helping the environment is to refrain from using plastic materials. While this can’t be completely and strictly done, we can always start by reducing the amount of plastic we use inside and outside the household. Here are some options we can do to cut the amount of plastics we use.

Opt for reusable materials

While some companies have already banned single-use plastics, you can always ask others for more eco-friendly materials when purchasing goods outside. If you are ordering from a restaurant, you can ask them not to include plastic straws or plastic utensils, especially if your food will be delivered at home. When grocery shopping, you can bring an eco bag where you can put your purchased items in instead of getting single-use plastic bags. By making this a habit as well, you will realize how cutting your use of plastics reduces your waste at home, and see its positive effects in your daily living.

Packaging matters

Apart from choosing recycled or recyclable materials whenever you can, you should also consider the packaging of the products you are buying. When in the grocery for example, you can choose the brands that use cardboard packaging instead of the ones that use plastic packaging. You can also opt for snacks originally placed in cardboard or paper packaging such as cereals and crackers.

Another reason why packaging matters is the symbols indicated at the back of the product. These symbols have corresponding meanings which indicate if the container can be recycled. Some symbols also tell how to properly dispose it. If you opt for a packaging that can be recycled, one of the popular symbols is the Mobious Loop which indicates that the item is capable of being recycled. Meanwhile, the three-arrowed triangle icon with the number in the center indicates the resin code for the type of plastic used for the item. To help you choose products that are more eco-friendly, all you have to do is familiarize yourself with these symbols and look for them at the back of the products you want to purchase.

Why Go Green?

There are plenty of reasons why you should choose to go green and actually do these efforts to help the environment. But one reason that would probably convince you to do so is the fact that all these resources are limited and can actually be gone.

Some of our most important resources are not renewable, meaning once they run out, they will be gone for good. As humans who have the capability to take care of these resources, the least we can do is be responsible with the choices we make. Even in the simplest situations, we must assess if our actions will have a positive or negative impact to the environment.

We should know that there is nothing better than preserving a healthy and sustainable environment, much like how we always want a nice home to live in. And home is a good place to start.

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